PHPixie ?

PHPixie is easy to learn and does not rely on automagic. You will always be in charge of what's happening. 

Learn PHPixie in 30 minutes

PHPixie will fit both newcomers and experienced architects providing
ease of use, solid foundation and total flexibility

Bundle system

Reuse and share your code via Composer as self contained bundles

  • Linear code flow

    Never find yourself in an event hell ever again as event use is avoided
  • MongoDB suppport

    Database components support working with MongoDB out of the box
  • Best practices

    Designed from scratch according to SOLID principles and industry standards
  • Hardened security

    Using cryptographically secure hashesh, random tokens and secure cookie handing
  • First-hand support

    Need help? Just drop a line in the chat and get help from the creator in no time

Powerful and fast PHP framework

PHPixie started as a micro framework and has gradually grown to be one of the most popular fullstack PHP frameworks while retaining its high performance. This is in part because of the strict architecture that avoids common pitfalls such as reliance on static methods, global scope, singletons and other antipatterns, thus also ensuring that the code is easy to read, debug, extend and test. In fact all PHPixie components boast full unit test coverage. It is the PHP framework that will never stand in your way and provides you with full control over execution flow, easy to learn and straightforward to master.
But it's not all just about the code. The PHPixie community is very friendly and helpful, you can expect getting an answer to your question within minutes of asking it in the chat. The framework documentation is full of examples and is regularly updated with tutorial videos.

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