PHP MySQL CRUD is all about INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE and SELECT SQL queries using PHP , it will help beginners to know about PHP and MySQL operations.
Note: Don’t use this script into your live projects, the motive of the script is to just provide basic ideas to the beginners for learning, if you want to use this feature in the live projects then you should focus on following points:
  • Prevent your script from SQL Injections
  • Use PDO extension or other DBAL/ORM’s like Laravel Eloquent or Doctrine.

Tutorial Features:

  1. Insert records into MySQL Database
  2. Read the records from Database and list
  3. Update the record
  4. Delete the record.

Technologies Used:

  1. HTML
  2. PHP with MySQL
  3. jQuery
  4. Bootstrap
  5. CSS
  6. JSON
Before starting let’s download basic lib files needed : ( if you already having  this lib files you can use your existing files )
Let’s start of creating our demo web application to learn CRUD operations, first thing we are going see is to create a database and tables required. ( if you have your database ready in mysql go ahead and create tables using following sql code) I am assuming that you have database created and ready to use.
users table
Take a note: test.users – where test is the database name and users is a table name.
IMAGE : Users Table Structure
Users Table Structure
Create index.php file and include basic files for jQuery and Bootstrap as showing below:
So we have our basic file ready to go, now let’s add button to open add new record popup along with basic formatting like to have page heading and record container, refer following code:
The above code is actually part of our index.php file, if you look at it, you will notice we have application heading and Add New Record button which refers to add_new_record_modal modal popup. we also have records_content div, this div is going to display the data rendering from Ajax, we are going to see that next.
Now we need to add modal popup, we are using bootstrap modal popups here, go a head and use following code to include popup in the index.php page.
If you’re not familiar with Bootstrap no worries you just need to copy this code later on you can read about it, so now go ahead and add below modal to you index.php page.
If you notice in the above code we have popup called add_new_record_modal which includes different input field in the ‘modal-body’ tag. so we have first name, last name and email address here.
modal-footer – that’s the important part of the popup to call action such as addRecord, we have button with JS method call with onclick event.
let’s save page and try to load on browser.
Index.php Page:
Add New Record Popup:
Add New Record Modal Popup

Next Step is to create Add New Record and Read Records feature.
We have seen the basic setup of our application now we are going to look at the CREATE and READ operation. That is also called as INSERT and SELECT operation in MySQL, basically to create new record in the table.
It’s time to code jQuery plus JavaScript:
Let’s create our custom JS file called script.js file under JS folder and add following code:
If you notice in the above code, we have addRecord() function which is doing following operation: Get the Values from the input fields and send it to addRecord.php file using Ajax call. After that it’s closing the popup and reading records using readRecords() that is next function to it.
Create ajax/addRecord.php file and use following code:
Process: Accept the values from the POST variablea and insert record into the database.
Create ajax/readRecord.php file and use following code:
In both files above I have included the db_connection.php file using php include() function, this files is use to define our database connection string. It is better practice to add repetitive code in the separate file, let’s create the file.
Create ajax/db_connection.php file.
Note: Make change in the connection file according to your server configuration.  (Host, Username, Password and Database name)
Test the application: try to add new record, you will need to be able to add the record and have it listed, have a look on below screen shoot I have added few dummy records:
Fill the fields and click on Add Record button:
Add New Test Record
Add New Test Record
Dummy Records List
Dummy Records List

Whenever we load the page we needs to have our existing records to be list on the page right? So go ahead ad added following code in to the script.js file and try to page again.
Are you Good so far?
So now have we have our CREATE and READ feature is ready and tested, let’s go to next step and add DELETE and UPDATE feature as well.
Add DeleteUser() function in the custom scrip.js file:
Create ajax/deleteUser.php file and add following code:

UPDATE Feature

How does it work?
Let me explain in the step:
  1. User clicks on update button from the list
  2. Popup open up with the existing details field in
  3. User can click on Save Changes button to update and save the records.
Get back to the code, so add required modal popup to update the record.
Go ahead and use the following html code and add to the index.php page, next to the existing modal popup.
Add getUserDetails() function in to the script.js file:
This function is used to read the existing user details and fill input fields from modal popup and open it up.
Create ajax/readUserDetails.php file:
Add another JS function called UpdateUserDetails() in to the script.js file:
Create ajax/updateUserDetails.php file:
Folder Structure:
Folder Structure
Folder Structure
Complete Source code of script.js file:
Complete Source code of index.php file:
Finally we are done with the CREATE, READ, UPDATE and DELETE feature, test it on your system and let me know if you get any issue with the all above code.